What does “mechanization takes command” mean?
Can you tell a story associated with this conceptual phrase that has been used to define a major transformation of technology?
Understanding Technopoly requires looking at tools as artifacts, the language-used, and how people adapted to existing techniques when new tools were introduced.
Do look over your draft essay and identify a story in it to tell the class.
Terms | Word webs | Basic vocabulary | Advanced Vocabulary | Antonyms | Synonyms
see also: An Improbable World
Technology and its related idioms:
Like or as. Finish this thought:
“Technology is like a ______________________.”
God depicted in this mosaic from the early middle ages as a good shepherd
Stories — The Fall of Icarus,
Pieter the Elder Bruegel, Landscape with the Fall of Icarus c. 1558 Oil on canvas. Dutch, c. 1525 - September 9, 1569.
Other similar stories:
- Faust,
- Frankenstein,
- 2001 A Space Odyssey, uses the computer as a threat,
- I-Robot, uses the computer manufactured robots as a threat, mal-ware.
Technology enables us to take up a greater amount of space; but at what price does this comfort come?
Not what you think.
Postman's book's key parts:
Tools to Technocracy
From Technocracy to Technopoly
Broken Defenses
An improbable world
More than we can think?
An Analysis of "The Improbable World," by Neil Postman...
"Step right Up," Pursell, Chapter Three.
of knowledge (corpus), what is
Bronowski, Jacob;
Science and Human Values, notes;
Lewis Mumford, Urbanist and social critic.
Other sources:
Pursell | Pacey–Meaning | Pacey | Tenner | Postman–Tech | Postman–Television | Eberhart | Snow | Kaku
Solving - adjusting the differences between an existing and a desired state of affairs.
momentum, discussed here in terms of what the ideas were about growth
in 1966, remarks made in a Senate hearing on global population problems
and some fanciful ideas on how to pay for growth.
Guide to other web sites for useful information.
reliable sources on on the internet for you to use.
in science, meaning and worldview
the importance of accurate expression and the appropriate choice of
terms is examined here. Eight of the most important terms for my courses
are defined here, as well as on other pages.
is discussed and analyzed at some length and a detailed discussion
of ignorance and certainty as these ideas relate to knowledge, use of
evidence and specific lessons is at this site.
changes in the Life Sciences, (1859)
are simply described here as ways of knowing our mistakes.
X Chromosome